I often visit shrines when traveling domestically. I like to see the difference of atmosphere and structure in shrines. I used to collect a stamp of shrines and temples that is called Goshuin. Goshuin is information that you visited there. It has date and shrines or temples names in it. Anyway, today I’ll introduce my favorite amazing shrines to you. If you get a stamp of them, just leave a comment! I’m looking forward to seeing it.

1. Yutoku inari shrine in Saga prefecture.

This is one of the three best inari shrines in Japan. “Inari shrine” is shrines for farmer. The kanji for “Inari” is 稲成 and the first one “稲” means rice. So it is said there are gods of farm in Inari shrines. The most amazing thing of Yutoku inari shrine is that honden building is on high above the ground. Usually honden building where you pray to gods is on the ground. You need to go up long stairs to the honden building of Yutoku inari shrine. When you pray at the honden building, first bow twice, clap twice and pray something, then bow once. The great structure makes it look like a palace rather than shrine. Carvings in the honden building is also amazing. Don’t miss them.

2. Motonosumi shrine in Yamaguchi prefecture.

Can you believe the shrine stands on the cliff? What’s more, there’s a tunnel of torii there! Looking down the tunnel is so great. Red torii, blue sea and green plants are the best. Typical shrines have a box to offer money when you pray in the honden building, but here it’s on the torii. It’s said to be the most difficult box to put money in. As it is, it’s actually really difficult to throw money in. People who made it will be given luck from gods here. Let’s try! 



1.祐徳稲荷神社 in 佐賀県


2.元乃隅神社 in 山口県


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